JNTUA: B.Tech 2-1 R13 Question Papers Regular Exams December-2014

Here are the jntu anantapur B.Tech 2-1 R13 Previous question papers of December-2015 Examinations. Jntua conducted regular examinations in the month of December-2015. All the specializations question papers are available here and are arranged branch wise.

Civil Engineering

Building Materials and Construction

Electrical and Mechanical Technology

Fluid Mechanics

Mathematics - II

Strength of Materials - I

Surveying - I

Computer Science and Engineering 

Data Structures

Digital Logic Design

Discrete Mathematics

Engineering Graphics

Environmental Science

Probability and Statistics


Electrical Technology

Electronic Devices and Circuits

Mathematics - III

Probability Theory and Stochastic Processes

Signals and Systems

Switching Theory and Logic Design


Electrical Machines - I

Electronic Devices and Circuits

Engineering Graphics

Environmental Science

Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery

Mathematics - III

Mechanical Engineering 

Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Machine Drawing

Material Science and Engineering

Mathematics - II

Mechanics of Solids


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