JNTU B.Tech 4-1 Hadoop and Big data Important Questions

JNTU B.Tech 4-1 Hadoop and Big data Important Questions for all units are now available, Here you can also download Hadoop and Big data materials for all units prepared by top subject experts.

JNTU Hadoop and Big data Important Questions

UNIT 2 IMP Questions
1. what is GFS? wxplain with neat diagram?
2. Explain the Building Blocks of HDFS(Name Node,Data Node,Job Tracker,TaskTracker,Sec Name Node) with neat diagram?(VVVVVVVV IMP)
3. write notes on configuration of XML Files in Hadoop?

UNIT 3 IMP Questions
1. what are the difference between MR1 and MR2?
2. with an example explain driver code,mapper code,reducer code in hadoop?
3. what is the significance of combiner and partioner class in hadoop?
4. MapReduce Program: To find average temperature for each year in NCDC data set.? 

UNIT 4 IMP Questions
1. What are the various Writable interfaces in Hadoop?
2. what happen when there is no WritableComparable interface in Hadoop?
3. write short notes on the following data types in Hadoop?

  • Writable wrappers for Java primitives
  • Text,
  • BytesWritable,
  • NullWritable,
  • ObjectWritable
  • GenericWritable,
  • Writable collections,
4. How to speed up the MapReduce process with RawComparator?

UNIT 5 IMP Questions
1. Explain Pig architecture in detail with neat diagram?
2. what is the difference between Hive and ApachePig?
3. what is the difference between MapReduce and ApachePig?
4. Apache Pig Scripting Statements and data type...? 

UNIT 6 IMP Questions
1. Explain Hive architecture in detail with neat diagram?
2. How the WorkFlow will happen Between Hive and Hadoop?
3. What is the difference between Hive and ApachePig?
4. Write the java and Hive Script for the following?
  • create database
  • select statement
  • for each statement
  • order by statement
  • alter table statement
  • Drop table statement

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